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Let's Get To It!


The Writing

Writing can be super tricky if you are just starting out and it's hard to just give specific pointers on how to write. But what you want your writing to do is to move your readers. You want them to live a second life while reading your stories and to be able to empathize with your characters. Instead of using words like "nice" and "she said" you could switch it up with some synonyms, like "genuine" or "she squealed". Use your verb to describe the action. You can find a Word Bank on the Inspirations page if you need more help with improving your vocabulary. Here's a few more pointers to maybe improve your writing:


1.) Use different types of sentences

-Bad- I have a dog. Her name is Susie. My dog likes to eat my shoes. Susie is a nice dog.

-Good- I have a dog named Susie. She likes to eat my shoes, but she's nice and gets along with my baby sister better than I do.


2.) Minimalize your puncuation

-Bad- Is that a lion?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

-Good- Is that a lion?!


3.) Do not overuse capitalization.


-Good- Why are you naked?!

(Note: Using caps like that to express yelling is okay SOMETIMES but just don't overuse it to where it becomes obnoxious. It should be used sparingly.)


4.) Avoid writer's block

-Of course this is unavoidable and it happens to everyone, but there are ways to prevent it from consuming you and causing you to abandon your story. Try to just take a break from your story for a little bit. A few hours, a day, maybe a week or a month. Whatever it takes, and then you'll feel refreshed and ready to continue with a new mindset and new ideas! If you're not patient enough for that though, try listening to your favorite music, because that can help too. And also try checking out the Insipirations tab!


5.) Read other works from authors

- I'm not saying copy other people, just see what they do and how they get so successful to see what you could maybe do differently


6.) Do not overuse one word

-Bad- She desperately called his name. He looked back at her desperately, but didn't go back to her. They were both desperate for each other.

-Good- She desperately called his name. He turned back to look at her longingly but didn't go back. They were both needy of each other, but it was clearly over and done with.


7.) Keep your characters in mind

- If it's a guy's dialogue, he probably shouldn't say things like "totes" and if it's a girly girl, she probbaly wouldn't say "dude". But if it's a tom boy kind of girl, and she says "dude" it helps set her character as a tom boy. 

-Bad- Brad is the hottest guy in school, and such a player. "Hey," He told his girlfriend, Sara. "We should totes go to the game this weekend." Sara grinned at him and nodded. "Yeah, dude, it will totally rock!"

-Good- "Man, we need to go t the game this weekend," Brad informed his best friend, Sara, who responded with, "You smell, dude, but sure."

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